Visit for full event details.
Register for SCARR here.
Registration dates are the following:
Regular Registration: January 15 to February 18
Late Registration: February 19 to March 8 (NO goodie bag and no guarantee for a shirt.)
Registration fees are the following:
Regular Registration
- Members: $130.00
- Non-Members: $180.00
Late Registration
- Members: $150.00
- Non-Members: $200.00
Passenger Fee (12 and over): $50.00
Cancellation and Refund Policy:
- A full refund will be given during the regular registration period - through February 18
- A 50% refund will be given during the late registration period – through March 2
- No refund is given after late registration closes – March 2
You may contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any questions.